The Real Deal Podcast with Scott Sellers and Keith Stonehart
Life long friends with a history that began in the music business 30 years ago. After pursuing different life directions (Scott an Entrepreneur/Business Owner and Keith a Minister), Scott and Keith began this podcast to share life lessons on every topic under the sun from different perspectives with a common goal.Buckle up - Real talk ahead.
86 episodes
Closer to fine - Why Luck Doesn't Exist
We attribute incredible moments to time and chance far too often. This particular memory of a very definitive moment in my life changed how I viewed time and chance and gave me a much broader view of how the universe really operates. This was j...
Season 3
Episode 4

Closer To Fine - Graduation
This time of year often takes me back to the summer I graduated from high school in 1992. That summer, we hit the road and found out who we were - to ourselves and each other.
Season 3
Episode 3

Closer To Fine - Werewolves
Do you ever wonder why we carry the unnecessary baggage of a burden around with us? I'm 50 and still haven't mastered this yet, but my son taught me this lesson when he was six years old, and a werewolf.
Season 3
Episode 2

Closer To Fine - Connection
So - this is a new thing... Still the old thing, but in a new way... While The Real Deal with Scott and Keith is on hiatus - Keith will be putting out a mini-series called "Closer to Fine," which will be just short stories and life lessons with...
Season 3
Episode 1

The End?
No, not the end of US... Just the end of the year silly! From Scott and Keith both, we hope you've had a great year and are planning for an even better one in 2023!
Season 2
Episode 31

Loyalty is like royalty... Ok, I only said that because it rhymes - but for real - It's a lost virtue that needs resurrecting... Let's have some real talk about Loyalty
Season 2
Episode 30

Complaint Department
Do you ever just need to rant? We do !Here are some of ours - What are some of yours?
Season 2
Episode 29

Finding your "Yet"
The small word "yet" is often the glue that holds the very thread of life together... and anchor for the soul. So to speak... Have you found yours?While Scott and I are trying to work our schedules out, I just wanted to drop a word of e...
Season 2
Episode 28

Life, Cancer and Keeping yourself where your feet are.
Sometimes it's just good to have a conversation with your friends...
Season 2
Episode 27

We are men, and we aren't sorry
It seems the only sin that exists in our current place in history, is being straight, white, conservative men - and that's us. It's ok to be all of those things and no, you don't have to apologize. Real Talk on The Real Deal about ...
Season 2
Episode 26

The Youth Gone Mild
While we might sometimes sound like 2 cranky middle-aged dudes (because we are), it actually originates from a sincere desire to help. And while we also realize who our audiences is, there is always an underlying hope that we might reach the yo...
Season 2
Episode 25

Vox Populi
Vox Populi is Latin for "the voice of the people". The time is coming when we will need to speak, not as individuals alone, but rather as individuals united in one voice. Will you be ready? Real Talk...
Season 2
Episode 24

There Goes My Hero
No doubt that by now, you've Shane Hawkins, the son of Foo fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins playing their hit song "There Goes My Hero" from the recent tribute concert in Taylor's honor this past weekend. If that's true, you also know that the p...
Season 2
Episode 23

If you had to run a race and to win, you just had to outlast everyone else - could you do it? That's kind of like life... Everyone who is born will die, but not everyone who is born lives. Some give up way too soon and never finish the ra...
Season 2
Episode 22

Interview with Doug "Slug"Mitchell from The Marvelous 3
Part 2 of our album review and interview with Slug from the Marvelous 3
Season 2
Episode 21

Album Review - Hey Album! by the Marvelous 3 and surprise interview with M3 drummer , Doug "Slug"Mitchell
What was supposed to be an album review of The Marvelous 3's amazing major label debut release ended up being crashed by the M#'s amazing drummer and all-around good dude, Slug Mitchell... This is part 1 of 2
Season 2
Episode 20

For the Love of Money
Education is the key to bridging the gap of the so-called economic class wars, and yet - there are those that would rather complain about the haves and the have-nots rather than educate themselves and create positive change.Let's have s...
Season 2
Episode 19

Excuses,Elvis and Your Plans For The Future
The title pretty much sums this one up... It's a REAL one on the REAL DEAL!
Season 2
Episode 18

Second Chances
We've all had em... Sometimes we missed it. Maybe we just weren't paying attention or maybe we thought we weren't worthy - but second chances are what being human is all about.
Season 2
Episode 17

The One
Every now and again, someone comes along in your family that changes everything... Are you the ONE?
Season 2
Episode 16

What we do over and over with frequency can either enrich your life or destroy your life. What do you do with frequency?
Season 2
Episode 15

The Power of Words
You never know the effect what you might say will have upon someone... Read that again.
Season 2
Episode 14

Windshield or Rear View?
How do you view your place in life? Our past may have something to do with who were are current;y, but where we are going and who we want to be there have everything to do with looking forward.
Season 2
Episode 13

So, yall may have been wondering where we've been the last few weeks so, in this episode, Keith catches us up. Lots of life happening in the last few weeks and so besides catching you up on that, we will also look into 20 seeds for good leaders...
Season 2
Episode 12

Album Review - "The Colour and The Shape"by The Foo fighters
In the wake of Taylor Hawkins's tragic passing, we thought we'd break down one of our favorite albums of all time, which just so happens to be a foo fighters record.Getting real about the colour and The shape on The Real Deal!
Season 2
Episode 11